.. VAtools documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Aug 8 09:54:20 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. VCF Annotation Tools (VAtools) ============================== VAtools is a python package that includes several tools to annotate VCF files with data from other tools. **vcf-readcount-annotator** A tool that will add the data from bam-readcount files to the VCF sample column. **vcf-expression-annotator** A tool that will add the data from several expression tools' output files to the VCF INFO column. Supported tools are StringTie, Kallisto, and Cufflinks. There also is a ``custom`` option to annotate with data from any tab-delimited file. **vcf-info-annotator** A tool that will add data from a tab-delimited file to any user-specified field in the VCF INFO column. **vcf-genotype-annotator** A tool to add a new sample to an existing VCF file or fill in the GT field for an existing sample in a VCF. **vep-annotation-reporter** A tool to create a tab-delimited (TSV) file of variants in a VCF and their VEP annotations. **ref-transcript-mismatch-reporter** A tool to identify variants in a VCF where the reference genome used to align and call variants doesn't match the Ensembl reference transcript used by VEP for variant consequence annotations. **transform-split-values** A tool that extracts and manipulates values from existing sample fields and outputs the results to a TSV file. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 vcf_readcount_annotator vcf_expression_annotator vcf_info_annotator vcf_genotype_annotator vep_annotation_reporter ref_transcript_mismatch_reporter transform_split_values install license contact